{Monday, September 29, 2008 . }

I was working these 3 days as a usher in the Singapore F1 race. All I have to do there is to guide tourists with direction towards the area they wanted to go. I am positioned near the Singapore Flyer area where in between the bay, pit and the flyer grandstand which is always swarming with people... However, working at there is fine since I get to see TV stars close by~~~ =D

Here's a short video of the F1 race I would like to share(wanted a upload a longer one, but it is about 700+ MB....)

I guess that's it. I hope you enjoy the F1 race season=D

Hugh Lim blogged on 4:01 PM


{Sunday, September 14, 2008 . The Best Bet ( by Jack)}

Hugh Lim blogged on 2:34 PM

Hugh Lim blogged on 2:23 PM


{Monday, September 8, 2008 . Interview, Visit to Singapost Post, Swimming}

I went to Recruit Express Industry to look for job. In the end I got one at Boon Lay starting tomorrow. Breaks over, working life starts again?

Visit to Singapore Post
I went to Singapore Post today, one of my previous job. I went there just to give my FF7 ( PSX version) to my supervisor there and take photos with the previous staff I worked with before.

About 7.30pm, I meet up with long and chi at the Chinese Garden MRT station to go to the Jurong East Swimming Complex for a swim. Too bad it is very late by then, therefore we did not get to play much. In the end, we spend most of our time in the Competition Pool. We may go there again in the afternoon to play what we did not played...

(Decided to stick to this format, easy to write and easy to read. Well, I ended my post here~~~)

Hugh Lim blogged on 11:25 PM


{Sunday, September 7, 2008 . Escape Theme Park ( 7 September 2008)}

Escape Theme Park
We went to escape theme park today. I always wanted to go back there since it's been a lot time I have been there. Going on point form again though...

-Purchasing of Ticket
Each Person costs about 17+, but since there is unlimited rounds of game to play, it is worth it. =D

-Pirate Ship
Played it for 4 time. First game we played when we entered in the amusement park. The first round is not so fun since I am urgent to go to toilet, but as for the rest, I enjoyed it a lot and believe it is one of the must try games.

-Daytona (Advanced Track)
Another must try game in escape theme park. It is better than the beginner track since you can drive the kart solely, and the track is much more longer. Played it twice since the queue is very long, the only bad thing about this station. I waited for about 1 hours just to enjoy that 5 minutes of enjoyment, but is totally worth it =D

-Haunted House
I must say I went there just for the air-con, pretty chilly in there, but the ghostly being over there are all machines, so not very excited in there. I did expected more like crawling hand on the ground or something creepy, but no such thing found... I did went in twice though

Try it once only. I felt more being tortured then enjoying. It was only at the start, as the machine compressed my upper part of the leg tightly. Then when I was hanging upside down in mid-air, my leg was the only thing thats support, which cost the pain due to my weight... Well, if to skip the pain, I guess it would be an enjoyable ride.

-Spinning machine
Forgot what it was called... Try it once only though. It was ok, not as exciting than the pirate ship though. But something I like to say is to sit with a person beside you, because you would be sliding around two seats as the ride goes on.

-Flying Kite
I always thought it was scary when I am going to ride it, since I did try riding on it when i was a child, around 8- 10 years old? Well, after I rode it, I found out it was not as exciting and scary as i thought it would be. Maybe I found it very fast when I was a child, but not for this age anymore...Tried it once~~~

-Add On
I did not tried the rest though, some are under upgrading or maintenance and some are basically for child... Got my dinner at the burger king, too bad it does not have any set meal :( I did not take many picture, since it was locked up in the locker all the time till I leave at 8pm...

Downtown East
A big ferris wheel with cadbury chocolate advertisement attracted all attention towards the building. We visited the arcade as per normal and walked around the mall till the rain stopped... ( Regretted not taking a photo of that ferris wheel, it is beautiful...)

Ending my post now~~~

Hugh Lim blogged on 1:09 AM


{Saturday, September 6, 2008 . World Food Fair ( Suntec City , Lvl 6)}

Food Fair
I went to the food fair with long and chi today . I should say i did not see much youngster over there, mostly are auntie and uncle, and it does not look as good as I have imagine... Well, I got myself some ball like food ( Japanese ball like food, got ingredient like sotong and chicken inside one, cannot remember the name). It taste quite ok, but it is something i can get from any "pasamalam"( movable market). Then I get myself some popcorn chicken. It tasted alright, like KFC one though, but it is pretty stuffy and cold... Going on, I get myself a bowl of lobster porridge. It is fine, no lobster seen, but MSG spotted... Moving on, we get ourself some satay from city satay. It turned out pretty good, the chicken satay meat tasted good and it was soft, unlike the hard to bite one I get from normal market, and the mutton one is okok. Lastly, I got myself some ice cream ( Orea flavour =D ). Too bad have to get 2 for 2 dollar, cannot buy one only... ( Above comment is just personal opinon, nothing offensive and different people have different view, cheers!)

P.S. For the food fair, it will opened till 7 September only, therefore if you haven't went there, do go and visit there ( LOL! Free advertisment?!)

Marina Square
We went to marina square after that... There is a basketball event over there that opened from 5th September to 7th September. Seem to be a group event where people can join. ( I did not actually join it, just looking around to see other people play). After that, we went to the arcade, played some games before we left the arcade. Before lefting marina square, i went to play the 'grab stuff toy' machine for fun ( Don't know what it is called...) I can't believe I managed to grab a 80th birthday Pooh bear out... Can't believe my luck, but it seem useless to me, therefore it is lying on my table now, motionless... ==

Nothing to write le, therefore I end this post with a Cheers! =D

Hugh Lim blogged on 12:18 AM


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